family laughing a playing on their couch.

Personal Checking

We Have an Account for Your Lifestyle

Packed with great features!
All of our checking accounts1 include:

Minimum Opening Deposit:
$25 deposit required to open account

Bank Anywhere2
Mobile, Online Banking and Bill Pay

ATM Fee Refunds3
Up to $15 in domestic ATM refunds

Contactless Express Debit Card4
No waiting for a card (Banking Center only)

eStatement Savings5
Free electronic statements

Our Lineup

Platinum Leaf Account

Minimum Opening Deposit:  $25
Minimum Balance Service Charge:  $7
(Monthly minimum balance service charge waived with a $2,500 average collected balance each statement cycle)

Green Leaf


Minimum Opening Deposit:  $25
Minimum Balance Service Charge:  $7   
(Monthly minimum balance service charge waived with a $100 average collected balance each statement cycle)
blue leaf icon

New Leaf


Minimum Opening Deposit:  $25
No Dormant Fees
No Account Closing Fee
Monthly Service Charge:  $5   
(Monthly service charge waived for primary
account owners age 23 & under)

Here's What Sets Our Checking Accounts Apart

blue leaf iconNew Leaf Account Includes:

no check blue iconNo Check Writing6: Checks are not allowed on this account.

mobile phone with a dollar sign blue iconBank Anywhere2: Mobile, Online Banking and Bill Pay

ATM fee blue iconATM Fee Refunds3: Up to $15 in domestic ATM refunds

debit card plus blue iconExpress Debit Card4: No waiting for a card (Banking Center Only)

document blue iconeStatement Savings5: Free electronic statements

two coins with a dollar sign blue iconNo Overdraft Fees & No Return Item (NSF) Fees

Green Leaf Account Includes:

mobile phone with a dollar sign blue iconBank Anywhere2: Mobile, Online Banking and Bill Pay

ATM fee blue iconATM Fee Refunds3: Up to $15 in domestic ATM refunds

debit card plus blue iconExpress Debit Card4: No waiting for a card (Banking Center only)

document blue iconeStatement Savings5: Free electronic statements
Gold Leaf Account Includes:

mobile phone with a dollar sign blue iconBank Anywhere2: Mobile, Online Banking and Bill Pay

ATM fee blue iconATM Fee Refunds3: Up to $15 in domestic ATM refunds

debit card plus blue iconExpress Debit Card4: No waiting for a card (Banking Center only)

document blue iconeStatement Savings5: Free electronic statements

cracked cell phone screen blue iconCell Phone Protection7: Protection if your phone is broken/stolen

leaf on shield blue iconID Theft Aid7: Help restore your identity if it's ever stolen

arrows around a dollar sign blue iconSecurity Bank Rewards App7: Discounts on shopping, dining, travel, etc.

heart in hand blue iconHealth Service Discounts7: Save on prescriptions, eye exam services, etc.

open umbrella blue icon$10,000 Travel Accidental Death Coverage7: Peace of mind when you're away

flat tire blue iconRoadside Assistance7: Easy to use and available 24/7

Interest Rate APY8
Platinum Leaf Account (Below $50,001.00) 3.50% 3.56%
Platinum Leaf Account (Equal to or Greater than $50,001.00)
0.10% range from 3.56% to 1.83%9
Platinum Leaf Account (If Account Does NOT Meet Requirements)8 0.00% 0.00%

Platinum Leaf Account Includes:

mobile phone with a dollar sign blue iconBank Anywhere2: Mobile, Online Banking and Bill Pay

ATM fee blue iconATM Fee Refunds3: Up to $15 in domestic ATM refunds

debit card plus blue iconExpress Debit Card4: No waiting for a card (Banking Center only)

document blue iconeStatement Savings5: Free electronic statements


Platinum Leaf Account
Gold Leaf
Green Leaf
blue leaf icon
New Leaf
Minimum Opening Deposit $25 $25 $25 $25
Bank Anywhere2
(Card Controls, Account Alerts, Mobile Banking, etc.)
green check mark green check mark green check mark green check mark
ATM Fee Refunds3 green check mark green check mark green check mark green check mark
Express Debit Card4 green check mark green check mark green check mark green check mark
eStatement Savings5 green check mark green check mark green check mark green check mark
NexGen Benefits
(Age 23 & Under)

green check mark green check mark
No Overdraft or Return Item (NSF) Fees

green check mark
Check Writing green check mark green check mark green check mark
SBKC Rewards Program

green check mark

Interest Bearing
green check mark

Monthly or Minimum Balance Service Charge
Waived with a $2,500 average collected balance each statement cycle.
Waived with a $100 average collected balance each statement cycle OR for primary account owners age 23 & under.
Waived for primary account owners age 23 & under.

Age 17 and under requires an adult (18+) as joint owner, unless prohibited by law.
2  Enrollment in Online Banking required.  Must be at least 13 years old to enroll in Online Banking.
3  To qualify for a refund of up to $15 in domestic ATM fees each monthly statement cycle you must: Conduct at least 15 settled and posted debit card transactions, excluding ATM transactions; AND have at least one (1) settled and posted Automated Clearing House (ACH) credit or one (1) ACH debit; AND receive an Electronic Statement (eStatement). Online Banking with eStatement enrollment is required. Must be at least 14 years old to be eligible for a debit card.
4  In Banking Center only.  Must be at least 14 years old.
5  Online Banking enrollment required with self-enrollment in eStatements. If your email address becomes invalid and/or eStatement is undeliverable, account will be changed to receive paper statements by mail and a $3 Paper Statement Fee ($2 for New Leaf Account) will be assessed each statement cycle.
6   Checks, (other than those initiated through our Online/Mobile Bill Pay Service) whether presented on paper or electronically may not be written or drawn on this Account even if there are sufficient funds in the Account. You may not order checks from any source.
Security Bank Rewards are provided by BaZing. All BaZing products and benefits are subject to additional terms and conditions. Insurance products are NOT A DEPOSIT, NOT FDIC INSURED, NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OR AGENCY, and NOT GUARANTED BY THE BANK. Participating merchants on BaZing are not sponsors of the program, are subject to change without notice, may not be available in all regions, and may choose to limit deals.
8  Annual Percentage Yield (APY) assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for at least one year.  Withdrawals and fees will reduce earnings.  Rates are variable and may change after account opening.  Interest compounded and credited monthly. $25 minimum to open.  
The APY range assumes a maximum balance of $100,000.
10 To qualify for interest each monthly statement cycle you must: Conduct at least 15 settled and posted debit card transactions, excluding ATM transactions; AND have at least one (1) settled and posted Automated Clearing House (ACH) credit or ACH debit; AND receive an Electronic Statement (eStatement). Online Banking with eStatement enrollment is required. Must be at least 14 years old to be eligible for a debit card.